
Scalable, affordable and accessible approaches to building your team’s competency

Need to write better, communicate clearer, negotiate more strongly, present more  powerfully, influence more effectively? There is a module or course for you.

Designed and built from experience to meet the demands of our clients, we are now offering them publicly as standalone courses. Based on best practices from academia and industry and sharing the tools and techniques across the consulting industry.

Choose a delivery method that suits you and your team:


Ideal for lifting the capability of a team, or an executive cohort, quickly. 2-3 day offsite courses. Highly experiential with a fully integrated program, combining theory and practical immersive activities that each build on the experience of the one before.


Affordable, accessible progress towards enhanced capability.  3-4 hours self-paced online theory followed by a one-day face to face program that reinforces the theory through practical application. Do several to build the content of a Masterclass without the impact of several days away from work.

Introductions Online

Not a dating service, but 3-4 hour self-paced, short courses, delivered online with individual exercises. Accessible, affordable and timely, and can be “traded up” to an Insights program later. Coming soon. Register your interest.

Feel free to ask us about bespoke programs – delivery and content designed specifically for your team. They take a bit more effort, and a bit more time, but then tailoring for the best fit always does.


Commercial Acumen for the Public Sector

Commercial acumen is a way of thinking, not a process or skill. Negotiation skills are essential but are not enough by themselves.  You have to know how to create the value, claim the value, and keep the value.


Masterclass – 3 days of practical learning

Our signature program. Understand the perspective of industry so you can engage with them for maximum value. Walk the journey of contract creation. Go beyond contract management and understand the management of contracted service delivery in this highly interactive and experiential masterclass.


  • How industry operates and what drives them
  • How to negotiate strategically
  • How to get better value from the contracts you have

You will gain insight into structuring better approaches to market, deal negotiation, and contract management. You will explore vendor perspectives and how it’s applied in the context of the public sector. You will extend your capacity to create, claim and keep the value – the three legs of value for money.

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Insights Courses

We understand not all clients want to be away from work for the duration of a Masterclass, so we have modularised the program. The integrated, immersive and continuous learning environment of the 3-day Masterclass optimises capability uplift, but if that time investment is too great then you can take your team on a sequence of shorter courses or focus on the courses most reflective of your team’s capability needs.

Doing the Commercial Acumen for the Public Sector courses in sequence – Insight into Industry, Insight into Negotiations, Insight into Managed Contracted Service Delivery – is recommended as it provides a level of integration reflective of the Masterclass while supporting a more flexible delivery method.


Insight into Negotiations

Explore the basic principles of negotiation and negotiating process and apply the learning in several simulated activities from the simple single party to multi-party multi issue complex negotiations.  Learn how to manage negotiation teams.

Next public course – 16th October 2024

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Insight into Industry

Understand the structures of businesses, marketing, sales, pricing, and governance, and the impact these have on business behaviours, and engagement with the public sector.

Next public course – 30th October 2024

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Insight into Managing Contracted Service Delivery

This course moves beyond contract compliance, administration and the legal issues by redefining contract management in terms of the effect. Keeping the value that was negotiated by managing the service delivery not the contract. Explore performance and relationship management, how to have difficult conversations and dealing with disagreement.

Next public course – 13th November 2024

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Practical Practices for the Public Sector

People gain experience, get promoted, take on new roles and responsibilities throughout their careers. They get the job through experience, being in the right place at the right time, and having what it takes to meet the role requirements – but has anyone invested in their skill so they can truly excel?

From writing effective emails, delivering powerful presentations, facilitation and problem solving, our course is built to give public sector professionals the capabilities and ‘edge’ that consultants and the private sector have coveted.


Masterclass – 2 days of practical learning

Looking to uplift your team in basic business and professional skills? Developed at the request of an APS client, this course has been tailored to focus on helping public sector teams be better at their business.

We cover immediately applicable, practical, topics including:

  • Persuasion, influence and negotiation
  • Impactful written communication and presentations for busy executives
  • Meetings and workshop facilitation
  • Problem-solving approaches
  • Writing an effective paper, rapidly
  • How to engage contractors, consultants and service providers to get better value.

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Insights Courses

We have built our modularised program as we understand not all clients want to be away from work for the duration of a masterclass. Our  2-day Masterclass delivers best capability due to its integrated activities and immersive learning environment, but if that time investment is too great then you can take your team on a sequence of blended courses supporting a flexible delivery method, or choose the smaller courses best reflective of your teams capability needs.

Insight into Critical Writing and Argumentation

A rapid approach to engaging stakeholders and representing their views diligently is needed to achieve speed from concept to contract. We provide a process of argumentation and tools to assist in capturing and presenting stakeholders’ views, rebuttals, alternative views, details and opinions in a way that allows executives to form a view and make decisions.

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Insight into Managing Consultants and Contractors

While using contractors for general resourcing is limited, you can still contract services for outcomes and delivery. Explore how to engage contractors, consultants and service providers to get the best value.

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Introductions Online – eLearning

Built to complement our Commercial Acumen and Practical Practices courses, these 3-4 hour self-paced short courses are delivered online with a mixture of theory and individual exercises. Accessible, affordable and timely, and can be “traded up” to support the completion of an Insights program at a later date, or used as a tested for the larger Masterclass courses.

Built for you, so don’t settle for boring!

Whether you need urgent upskilling to support organisational change, training to reinforce knowledge gaps, renew old or outdated training modules, or you simply want to offer your staff opportunities to take charge of their own learning journey.

We develop affordable, self-paced, bite-sized courses delivered online that can be completed by anyone, any time, in any place. Ask us how to we can build an online learning journey for you




Bespoke Programs

What you need, when you need it

Tailored solutions to fix your immediate staff capability problem such as onboarding new staff, rapid readiness for negotiation, unlocking stuck projects and tending to disputes.

When you can’t close the deal or fix the problem, or you have finished tender evaluation and you need your team trained in negotiations, or you are in dispute and disarray, we can help you break through and uplift your team.

Enquire Now